Key Performance Indicators
Target audience |
Performance indicator |
Researchers and students |
Open access peer reviewed scientific publications / preprints / open data sets through each partner’s repository of choice.
– 20 publications/year written by all the academic members of the consortium, most of them jointly. – 10 GB of data openly shared per year |
International conferences
– presentations/year. -15 posters to conferences per year. |
Organisation of conferences or scientific workshops/symposia (with invited guest speakers)
– 1 scientific symposium per year (50+ attendees) organised at the CoE – 1 final conference (120+ attendees) organised by the consortium at the end of the project. – 3 conferences co-organised by the CoE researchers |
Short (a few hours) online seminars with internationally renowned guests. This will include seminars by younger researchers.
– 12 invited guests per year.8 young researchers per year |
Summer schools for early-stage researchers
– Once a year, organised in remote sites |
Businesses and investors |
Organisation of cluster brokerage/networking events
– Once a year, organised at the CoE (30+ participants) |
Participation in existing business events
– Participation of CoE’s representatives in 2+ external events/year. |
Technologies to transfer (licencing or sale)
– Dedicated website section |
Policy makers |
Invitation to the cluster events
– Once a year, organised at the CoE (30+ participants) |
Sharing of policy white papers with Lithuanian policy makers
– One policy white paper shared per year |
Citizens |
Organisation of citizen events to present the technologies and their impact to the society
– One event per year (40+ visitors) |
Participation in external citizen science events (Science Festivals, the European Researchers’ Night, or the Science is Wonderful! Initiative).
– Participation in at least 2 citizen events per year |